Friday 21 December 2012

Man Down

I'm sure that you were as shocked as I was when my friend Sergeant Spaff was overcome with testosterone fuelled sexual craving, and broke his drycember fast. Needless to say, this is a stark reminder of the challenge that we are facing and I have nothing but the utmost respect for Spaff for even attempting the challenge. However, being one man down only makes restraint more difficult for those of us remaining. 

Man Down!!!!

In other news, the end of the world looms upon us but as of yet there have been no meteor showers or alien invasions. I personally am starting to believe the Mayans were wrong, and that they actually meant to predict the 1st of January 2013 as the end of the world. Why? A sea of spunk, metres high travelling at the speed of sound engulfs the world as Drycember is broken by nation after nation. I guess we'll see how that goes...  - The Jizzster

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