Monday, 10 December 2012

Evolution and Alcohol

Finishing up day 10 of Drycember now, not seen a great deal of my fellow bloggers over the weekend so can only track their progress via here; times are getting tougher. We will endure however, like the people in that dragon film with Christian Bale, should watch that again it's well good, bit at the end with the bloke and the axe? Classic. I digress, not been a bad weekend to be honest, been out for most of it so the temptation of a bit of five on one with myself has subsided for the most part. In my head there are three possible reasons for this:

  • I am a reformed man who has achieved a higher state of thinking and realisation through Drycember. My personality has matured and I have separated myself from the rest of mankind and furthered evolution in a jump likened to when Magikarp turns into Gyarados.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed has suppressed all libido for 48 hours.
  • The lack of hand to gland combat has driven to me to a point of insanity and I am now actually a dormant schizophrenic
Probs the alcohol thing. - Sergeant Spaff

This is the kind of tranformation I hope I have undergone.

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