Wednesday, 28 November 2012

A Brief Introduction

My Faithful  Companion
Hello, I am The Jizzster and I, like The Jester, am an avid self climaxing enthusiast. As the fateful day approaches when I must abandon my kleenex, pornhub and vaseline for rustlers, film4 and dangerous volumes of coffee; I am filled with a mixture of trepidation and intrigue. My first concern is how to approach the deadline. Do I slowly wind down and risk wasting my precious alone time? Or do I go cold turkey and risk the same horrific withdrawal symptoms associated with hard drug use? Either way, on the 1st of December 2012, I'm going to be starting a journey that will no doubt change my perception of reality itself.

How I Envy This Creature
Scientifically speaking, humans are unique in their use of masturbation as a means to achieve sexual climax, while many species do engage in "bashing" we are the only ones who "shoot the love gun". I am tempted to use this opportunity to examine the change in mass of my testes for the duration of Drycember. All of these ideas and more are up for discussion, and I will keep you updated on my scientific and sexual exploits.

This will do for a brief introduction. Be sure to check back for updates - The Jizzster

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